A busy end to the school year
We have had an exciting and very busy couple of weeks!
All the children were determined to raise sufficient funds to purchase a computer for the Marafiki Trust who support a school in Nairobi. Each class has organised events ranging from a Bubble Café to the Biscuit Euros: there is still one more event to come but we have already hit our target and are really looking forward to getting to know our new friends in Nairobi via Zoom and email in the autumn term.
The inter-house cricket, netball and rounders tournaments have taken place with Kesteven winning the Genever Cup in cricket and Lindsey winning the netball and rounders. All the children from Year 1 upwards had an amazing time with our friends from Inspire+ to ran an Active Day earlier this week.
Years 3 and 4 have been on a pilgrimage to Tallington while KS1 have visited the allotments. Meanwhile, the PTA have organised an end of term Mufti Day and Cake Sale, along with a Disco next week.
We are now looking forward to the last few days of term. Sports Day will be held on Monday - PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO PARENTS ONLY. The Leavers' Service and Prizegiving is on the last day of term; please note that for this year only, this event is only open to invited guests of our Y6 leavers.