The last week of the school year
Nearly the end of term...
Last week was crammed with exciting events, not least Sports Day and visits by each class to see the bees at the Uffington apiary.
This week, we are concentrating on keeping cool while still having a good time.
Countdown to the end of term:
Worship in the cool of Uffington Church 2:30pm - Everyone Welcome!
Summer concert 4pm in Uffington Church
Moving up morning
Teachers will be available to meet parents of those joining their classes at 3:15pm
School disco in Uffington Village Hall (Reception and KS1 5-6:15pm; KS2 6:30 - 7:45pm)
Inter-house Cricket 4pm at Uffington Cricket Club
Leavers' Service and Prizegiving 10am in Uffington Church
1pm School closes for the summer holidays