St Michael and All Angels, Uffington
The school works in close partnership with the parish church of St Michael and All Angels which is situated at the heart of the village opposite the school. The Rector, Fr Aran Beesley is a foundation governor of the school and makes regular visits to the school, including leading worship on Mondays. Equally, the children are always made welcome in church and the building provides a larger space for worship with parents, carers and the wider community.
Children from the Reception and Key Stage 1 classes go over to church each week for Open the Book led by members of the congregation. Open the Book is a national initiative in which parishes dramatise Bible stories to make them accessible to younger children. Open the Book sessions also include singing and prayer.
As a Church school, we celebrate all the major Christian festivals in church including Christmas, Easter and Harvest. Children in Years 5 and 6 lead the annual school Service of Remembrance each November, while children in Years 3 and 4 traditionally lead a service to mark Mothering Sunday.
Many school families are actively involved with the parish which offers a range of child-friendly activities and services, including Messy Church sessions which are hosted, in turn, by the parishes in the Uffington group. For more information about church activities, including baptism and confirmation, please contact the Rector or visit A Church Near You
We are extremely fortunate to be able to make use of a trust which was set up for 'the benefit of the children of the village'. The Somes Trust pays for all the costs of swimming tuition and transport to and from the swimming pool. It also subsidises the cost of school outings. Recently, the Trust has provided money for residential visits to Yorkshire, a variety of other outings and books for Year 6 leavers. The Somes Trust also funds staff training and visits and events which develop religious education and our distinctive Christian ethos as a Church school. The Trust is administered by the incumbent and churchwardens of Uffington Church.