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Friday was a day of celebrations at Uffington as we prepared for the Royal Wedding...
On Tuesday, a local beekeeper came to speak to Y2 about his hobby...
Y5/6 enjoyed this year's Knex Challenge...
We hope you have all enjoyed the holidays...
Uffington win Stamford and District Tournament for the tenth time!
Children in Miss Waters' and Mrs Pasqualino's classes enjoy school visit...
A decision has been taken to close the school for a further day in the interests of the safety of children, parents and staff. School will not be open on Friday 2nd March.
School is closed today due to icy conditions. There have been a number of local accidents and the access roads to school are sheet ice. We do not want to risk the safety of families or staff. World Book Day will be celebrated next week...
We plan to make a decision regarding tomorrow by 5pm this afternoon.
School closed.
Children enjoy 'China Day'
Olympic God Medallist visits school