COVID Strikes!
What a weekend it has been with the number of positive test results soaring over the past two days! Firstly, I must thank you for your rapid response to the crisis: through the power of Whats App, we managed to reach almost everyone to keep them abreast of the situation and I would like to thank you for your dedication to keeping our school family safe by testing your children before sending them into school.
The wave of COVID has come at a point when we are all looking forward to the end of term and Christmas which is why I am supporting any families who wish to keep their children safe at home this week. However, if your child does test positive on a lateral flow device or develops symptoms while at home, please let us know as soon as possible and book a PCR test.
For the time-being, we remain open while we await further instructions from Public Health. They are aware of the situation but we need to share outcomes of PCR tests with them before they will make any decisions. Please let Mrs Lawson know any PCR results as soon as possible.
Please click on the link below to access this week's full newsletter.