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Uffington Church of England Primary School

Preparing for the future; living life in all its fullness

Music at Uffington School

Music is an integral part of the curriculum at Uffington School. Pupils experience music across the curriculum from the foundation stage, and follow the National Curriculum for Music from Year 1. This provides opportunities for our children to develop their appreciation of music through listening, singing and playing a range of tuned and untuned instruments. Pupils in Y3/4 receive one term of whole class instrumental tuition in either guitar or violin each year. A peripatetic teacher offers woodwind lessons on an individual or small group basis from Year 3; these lessons are paid for by parents, although there is no charge for families in receipt of free school meals. The Singing for Fun club is a non-selective choir who meet after school once a week from September to Easter. This enthusiastic group often perform in school and at church and community events such as Uffington Scarecrows.

Please click on the link below to access the Music Development Plan and Music Policy.

Contact Us

School Lane, Uffington, Stamford, PE9 4SU