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Uffington Church of England Primary School

Preparing for the future; living life in all its fullness

Physical Education

Physical Education Curriculum Intent:

At Uffington CE Primary School, by offering an inclusive progressive curriculum we aim to embed a lifelong interest in physical activity for pupils who not only flourish in a range of different physical activities but also understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.  As part of our curriculum we provide a range of competitive opportunities which build essential lifelong skills such as teamwork, leadership and communication.

The aims of our PE curriculum are to develop pupils who:

  • Are open-minded to learning and practising new skills independently and within a team and applying these skills in competitive sports and activities.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle which is achieved by exercising regularly for sustained periods of time and eating healthily and in turn promoting healthy habits for life.
  • Develop a lifelong love for physical education, school sport and physical activity.
  • Understand the benefits of physical activity in supporting their mental well-being.
  • Employ imagination and creativity in their techniques, tactics and choreography.
  • Can swim 25 metres and know how to remain safe in and around water before they leave Year 6. 

We intend for children to Move, Smile and Achieve in all PE lessons.

Nurture: Our PE curriculum journey nurtures pupil's learning behaviours. Pupils are supported and encouraged within PE to become independent learners, who progressively build their knowledge and understanding across the PE Curriculum Journey so that they remember more and understand more.  We also provide pupils with opportunities where they can work within a team, collaborate and communicate with each other and take leadership responsibilities to overcome challenging activities and situations. By consistently challenging pupils but also offering opportunities for success we hope to build resilience and a thirst for learning which transcends across other subjects and into later life.

Curiosity: Our PE curriculum journey ensures that our pupils become creative, inquisitive learners. Their journey provides them with opportunities to develop their problem-solving and creative skills, for example in developing collaborative work in OAA, Dance or Gymnastics. They develop the ability to link ideas and apply their learning in other areas of the whole-school curriculum journey.

We have developed the PE curriculum journey to ensure that it is both exciting and inclusive in order to meet our children’s needs to engage and motivate them in their learning.  Pupils are encouraged to experiment with their own techniques, tactics and solutions to overcoming a challenge whilst also creating their own games and rules.

Diversity: Our inclusive PE curriculum journey exposes pupils to a wide range of activities which caters for all interests and ability levels. It has been developed to ensure our pupils understand the importance of, and develop respect for: themselves, others, their environment and their community.  This encourages pupils to value each other’s similarities and differences as well as their opinions and ideas. We inspire pupils to think differently to others and find alternative solutions to problems. Our pupils also have the opportunity to compete in sport and other activities in order to build and embed values and skills such as teamwork, leadership, fairness and respect. Pupils of all abilities including SEND pupils have equal opportunities to succeed and excel within their PE curriculum journey where diversity is celebrated and sporting role models from all background are promoted.

Ambition: Our curriculum exposes pupils to a range of challenging and competitive scenarios where they are taught and encouraged to link knowledge, skills, techniques and tactics from prior learning to achieve. We provide pupils the opportunities to reflect on and discuss previous performances and experiences allowing them to overcome future challenges allowing them to achieve things they never thought they could which builds their confidence and resilience. We encourage pupils to follow their sporting interests outside of school in extra-curricular activities and celebrate any achievements they have in whole school worship.

Get Set 4 PE - Resource Bank


Pupils participate twice weekly in high quality PE and sporting activities, with additional daily access to other activities such as our lunchtime active playgrounds scheme. 

Our PE curriculum incorporates a variety of sports to ensure all children develop the confidence, tolerance and the appreciation of lots of sports. This is enhanced by visits from athletes to inspire the children to participate. We provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curricular activities during and after school, in addition to competitive sporting events run throughout the year. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also, well-being, attending both highly competitive sporting events and also festivals that celebrate participation or Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (OAA) events focusing on other skills.

We aim to support those children who need additional guidance in making healthy choices, then provide them with routes into our own after school sporting provision or community sport clubs. 


At Uffington CE Primary School, our curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and physical fitness of all children, not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values and disciplines that PE promotes. We ensure that our PE curriculum is progressive and allows children to develop fundamental skills and apply them to a variety of fun sports and activities that the children are interested and inspired to take part in. Year 6 pupils leave school with the skills to self-rescue in the water and swim 25 metres competently.

Within our lessons, children are taught about self-discipline and that to be successful you need to take ownership and responsibility of your own health and fitness. All children are provided with the skills and given opportunities to demonstrate improvements to achieve their personal best. Our pupils are physically active, not just within the PE lesson, but throughout the day - this has positive implications on their learning inside the classroom. Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of exercise.  We hope children enjoy PE and develop a love of sport, and physical activity, that they pursue outside in future life.

Competitive sport:

Children are encouraged to achieve and shine by taking part in intra-sport competitions. Children of all abilities will take part in competitive sporting activities at the end of some units of work once a term.

The skills they have acquired will be used to compete as part of a team in competitions. 

Contact Us

School Lane, Uffington, Stamford, PE9 4SU